Friday, July 27, 2007

7 best sites about time management and getting things done — blog very clever and actively man

http://davidco.comGTD technique author

http://www.lifehack.orgsite about lifehacks — and site about lifehacks the classics of a genre, blog about that, “how to make a life is little bit better” — interesting блог about many parties of “self-improvment — New, but very perspective blog about getting things done

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Time management — for start new life

Time management includes tools or techniques for planning and scheduling time, usually with the aim to increase the effectiveness and/or efficiency of personal and corporate time use. These are embodied in a number of books, seminars and courses, which may offer conflicting advice. The common denominators of these strategies are a to-do-list, setting priorities and goal management. Some of the best known examples of time management strategies are tied to specific lines of time management products.

Time management for personal use is a type of self-management. In a corporate setting, time management software can satisfy the need to control employees, make it easier to coordinate work and increases accountability of individual employees.

Planning time and writing to-do-lists also consumes time and needs to be scheduled. This is one of the major criticisms of time management.

Task lists

A task list (also to-do list) is a list of tasks to be completed, such as chores or steps toward completing a project. It is an inventory tool that serves as an alternative to memory.

Task lists are used in self-management, grocery lists, business management, project management, and software development. It may involve more than one list.

When you accomplish one of the items on a task list, you check it off or cross it off. The traditional method is to write these on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil, usually on a note pad or clip-board. Numerous software equivalents are now available, and many popular e-mail clients include task list applications, as do most PDAs. There are also several web-based task list applications, many of which are free.

Task list organization

Task lists are often tiered. The simplest tiered system includes a general to-do list (or task-holding file) to record all the tasks the person needs to accomplish, and a daily to-do list which is created each day by transferring tasks from the general to-do list.

Task lists are often prioritized:

  • An early advocate of "ABC" prioritization was Alan Lakein (See Books below.). In his system "A" items were the most important ("A-1" the most important within that group), "B" next most important, "C" least important.
  • A particular method of applying the ABC method[1] assigns "A" to tasks to be done within a day, "B" a week, and "C" a month.
  • To prioritize a daily task list, one either records the tasks in the order of highest priority, or assigns them a number after they are listed ("1" for highest priority, "2" for second highest priority, etc.) which indicates in which order to execute the tasks. The latter method is generally faster, allowing the tasks to be recorded more quickly.

Software applications

Modern task list applications may have built-in task hierarchy (tasks are composed of subtasks which again may contain subtasks), may support multiple methods of filtering and ordering the list of tasks, and may allow to associate arbitrarily long notes for each task.

Task list applications may be thought as lightweight personal information manager or project management software.

Task list is also a synonym for process list i.e. the list of program instances (processes) the computer is currently executing.

Based on Wikipedia article about time managment

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Monday, June 4, 2007

Art to do work …

The habit postpone all for last moment can to become a serious problem of a dissatisfaction of the worker and private life. Constants overtime, job late, the missed possibilities, stress and feeling of a dissatisfaction - some symptoms of this bad habit. We will try to consider, how it is possible to avoid it and as I do it.

Starting to work, speak to itself «I wish to make it» instead of constantly reminding itself «To me it is necessary to make it». Anyway, always to you to choose, do something or is not present, even if consequences can be unpleasant. Make the realised choice of that you would like to make now, and make it! I usually make the plan per day in which I place only those problems which to me are to be seen the made. It is my choice - therefore they always are to be made.

If to think of a problem as about the big elephant whom you wish to eat for certain you postpone this problem «on then». Wonder: «With what I can begin right now?» Bite off to an elephant an ear and do not think of how it can to be located all in you. When it is made, choose the following small part of an elephant or the most tasty - without a difference - and eat it! In process of destruction of the monster you receive particulars about an elephant which were not visible at first. You begin Each time with the following small part and receive from it pleasure while you as a result will not find out, that from an elephant there was one tail which without problems can be located in you at one go. If a problem immense or not pleasant (but, certainly, important for you!) - safely begin and do not think yet of end.

One more reason conducting to a delay - the desire to make a problem as is possible is better. You think, that is necessary to carry out a problem as much as possible well - and it leads I postpone its executions for uncertain term. As soon as performance term approaches - you already do not have time to carry out a problem ideally. This thought leads to stress and irritation concerning the abilities and the organisation of the work. If the problem has no concrete time for completion the desire to make it ideally will not allow to finish it never as always there will be a moment which can be improved.

Always afford the right to be the person. And the person can be mistaken, with it there's nothing to be done. To many ingenious creations preceded 1000 unsuccessful, but hardly these ingenious creations have appeared, if not these 1000 previous. The imperfect job made today, always better, than ideal, postponed for ever. If you wish to write article on 5000 words, allow your first draught copy to consist only of 100 words. Usually I break a very heavy problem into some small affairs, not thinking about the one who should do them. Then I take one of them, I add in the list “to make today” and I start without any thoughts on ideality of result. It does not represent special work as the big ideally executed problem has been replaced by a small edible slice.

One more reason of a delay - association of a problem with deprivation. You think, that employment by business will absorb all free time and I cannot spend it that to me to like and it is interesting. Such thought, of course, does not favour to the problem decision. In this case I recommend to allocate time for employment by what to like: a hobby, a family, anything you like. Allocate for this time and do not allow other problems to interfere in these intervals. If at you will be only two hours on the problem decision, and you know that all rest of the time is already engaged in by pleasant affairs for you special work will not make to make this problem as other case not to be expected.

Remember the success formula: do not put off that it is possible to make today.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

That you should do the test for understanding of that on a way to correct time management

More low you will find eight short statements which will help you to find out the relation to time. Not reflecting long, grade from one to 10 in which you are today.

  1. I have an accurate purpose by which I constantly am guided, and I always know, that I wish to reach.

  2. I know a key to achievement of this purpose, and with its help I move further and I establish accurate priorities.

  3. I always feel counterbalanced and I can quickly leave stress - my life is balanced.

  4. I make to myself plans for day and for week, I use them and thus constantly them I improve.

  5. I have some system of planning of time and rationally I use it at drawing up of plans.
    Infringements and deviations from the plan I am insolent under the control. I perfectly consult with all papers and the electronic correspondence.

  6. I know strong and weaknesses and I know, in what I more all is strong.

  7. My motto: «At me it will turn out!». I have an accurate plan of action with which help I improve the ability to operate time.

To derive the maximum benefit from this test, start to change itself from the statement, in which at you the lowest indicator. In this area you will need to achieve the greatest changes.

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Monday, May 28, 2007

The Getting Things Done: Four systems of business management with "raisins"

The Getting Things Done: Four systems of business management with "raisins"

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Мне никто ничего не должен

If you have any belief or if you simply consider, that any statement truly is one. And if you live on it is another. Different things: «to understand mind, that it so» and to "feel". To feel is much deeper …

I once very much liked expression: «You should nothing to anybody. Anybody should nothing to you» (naturally, «You should nothing to anybody» - this phrase has restrictions, it extends only on "debts" decided). And here to feel it really …

I very often waited earlier, that someone will arrive definitely. Or something :) And when these expectations were not justified - was upset. Understanding mind, that anybody should nothing to me - all the same was upset …

And now - is not present. When from anybody you wait for nothing, there will be no disappointments. Moreover, when events develop how it would be desirable - if you wait for it, the pleasure is less. «Affairs go how should go, that here surprising». And when for it you do not wait specially - then pleasure much more strongly …

It is impossible to tell, that I now in general from anybody and nor from what I wait for nothing. But much, much less, than once. I thought earlier, that if from anybody wait is for nothing such tired philosophy disappointed in a life. And actually, it appears, sensation from a life, on the contrary, brighter, light, joyful, easy …

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Management of information dust in the conditions of its fast accumulation in the limited space

It is known that the unique annoying lack of the wide channel is shown in sudden loss of an empty seat on a disk. Those with whom remained compartments buy hard disks, but critical day comes sooner or later for all: it is necessary to clean something. Time hastily to look/listen/establish/read all saved up catastrophically does not suffice. It is better to rock at this time still something, whether not so?

However that not seen is lost in this dump is bad and you any more do not remember, that already had time to see, and that else are not present. You wish to put all it in order, but do not wish to spend for it time.

The decision idle time and somewhere even is deceptive primitively, but it operates. Something reminds GTD and does not demand any investment of time and forces. Only absolutely a little orderliness. And the main thing it will not force you to think much, and you again can swing, swing, swing...

So, each big set something, that we have just downloaded from the Internet (or at the friend), whether that had not time to hear/see and solve all it yet is necessary for us, all it we put in a folder with the magic name:

D:/Category/YYYY.MM.DD - Сomments

Where we substitute:

  • Category - a dust category (photos, music, books, a porno or something there at you)

  • YYYY - current year (2007, 2008, etc.),

  • MM.DD - Month and day (it is obligatory on two symbols, it is important), date when we have rocked or have brought home all this dust. If day is not important - we pass day.

  • Сomments - comments at will. A certain label or a tag, that will help you to recollect all that day when you have written down this dust (or that you used and with what mixed)

All. It is necessary to adhere only to a rule and sometimes (when there is a free time) not fussing to rake and after viewing/prowhispers to choose only one action from two:

  • to Delete in a basket; or

  • to Move to a constant place (or at once on a pig) (In a case with photos it is possible anywhere and not to move)

The analysis system can be the: since old (FIFO), from the freshest (LIFO) or in a casual order. The main thing to remember, that only folders with such names contain fresh materials which you did not touch yet, and all can be deleted the rest, архивировать or to keep on pigs.

In 6 months, if you adhere to system (and it is simple), you most likely estimate how much it conveniently, and possibly understand why the catalogue template should be such, instead of what another.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

We raise efficiency of work

Cheril Richardson, the president International trainer's federations (USA), the master in the field of professional psychological training advises to adhere to several simple rules:

  1. We observe cleanliness - in working hours you can "improve" office or workplace conditions: to clear a table of unnecessary papers, to put things in order in affairs, to water flowers, to air a premise, to invite the cleaner to wash up a floor after visiting of clients.

  2. Hold a situation under the control - write and hang up in a prominent place the list of five main affairs forthcoming week. Mark yours faithfully and gratitude to itself all ahead of schedule executed affairs.

  3. Be punctual - make the work schedule: for example, at 10.00 and 15.00 you check e-mail. Therefore ask not to disturb you at this time.

  4. Learn to trust the colleagues - resort to their help if to you have charged the important work.

  5. On work it is worked, instead of it is solved house affairs - ask relatives and acquaintances to respect your working hours and not to call on trifles and insignificant personal questions.

  6. Do not charge itself with work from which will not have time to consult, - finally you do not receive moral satisfaction from results of the work.

  7. Time to relax - within day it is necessary for you to plan small breaks: a juice glass, walk on office, a meeting with colleagues, perusal of the fresh press. Each employee has the right to it; the main thing, of course, that rest was not to the detriment of your basic duties.

  8. Smile to colleagues: good mood - pledge of performance of any business charged to you!

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Technorati Profile

Technorati Profile

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Algorithm of daily planning

On time grid note "rigid" meetings for which the exact times is already known. Planning meetings, pawn reserves on unforeseen circumstances.

Make the list of flexible problems, i.e. not having rigid time of execution. Use result oriented formulations: not «to phone to Ivanov», and «make to the order», «to receive the information» etc.

Allocate with bright colour those problems which need to be executed first of all. Namely: significant for execution of other problems («to learn time of today's presentation to give the commission on preparation of materials»); unpleasant, for a long time the postponed; "working" on key strategic targets.

Reserve time for large flexible problems. Or sign to them approximate quantity of time for execution, or note it on the schedule of day. Remember: to plan and бюджетировать more than 60-70 % of the working day - it is not realistic!

During day accurately delete the executed. Outstanding mark with a badge to carrying over next day.

Be verified with the plan within day and correct it at change of circumstances. The plan - not "law". The plan - the orientation tool in conditions. The PLAN - the TOOL of ACHIEVEMENT of RESULTS.

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Thirteen qualities of Franklin

Thirteen qualities of Franklin. How he has written down them, and in that sequence in what it used them.

  1. Abstention — do not eat to a sailing; do not drink to I will fall.

  2. Silence - say only that will benefit associates or you; avoid frivolous conversations.

  3. The order — let at all your things will be the place; let each your duty on work will have time.

  4. Resoluteness — dare to make that should make; necessarily execute that, on what have dared.

  5. Thrift — spend all for the blessing of associates or on own, that is spend nothing in vain.

  6. Diligence — do not lose time: constantly do something useful, stop all unnecessary actions.

  7. Sincerity — avoid a fatal deceit; think innocently and fairly and if you speak speak accordingly.

  8. Justice — cause nobody harms, putting insults or not doing good that is your debt.

  9. Moderation — avoid extreme measures, tolerantly concern insults, how much they deserve that.

  10. Cleanliness — be intolerant of untidiness of a body, clothes and dwelling.

  11. Calmness — be not upset on trifles or because of usual or inevitable accidents.

  12. Chastity — seldom indulge in voluptuousness - only for health or sort continuation, never - for boredom, weakness, or to the detriment, or to the detriment of the world and calmness of another.

  13. Humility — imitate Jesus and Socrat.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The first steps to self-organising

  • Has combined in one folder all documents, diplomas, contracts, certificates, insurance policies.

  • Has released two shelves in a book case and has put on them books which I wish to read in the near future, on the third shelf there are books which I often use.

  • Regularly I should work on three computers. Has developed system of storage of files. Now I lead on all computers structure to uniformity. Much I store in the Network, the blessing daily there are new more and more convenient services.

  • Has written down all programs necessary to me on one disk.

  • Has ordered digital photos.

  • Has touched a collection of disks with music and films, of much has got rid.

  • Has combined in one handbag chargers to all phones, a photo and video to chambers.

  • In a separate folder all passports and user's guides to numerous gadjets гаджетам and home appliances now lay.

  • On a handheld computer I put reminders when it is necessary to bring the next payment for the insurance, the alarm system etc.

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Monday, May 7, 2007

How To Delegate

Before to delegate, it is necessary to define, whether there is in general a sense to delegate the given case. For example, if you can make something faster and is better, than someone probably it does not need to be delegated. And on the contrary. Though if it is necessary for you to operate is better time also such situations delegation makes sense. Here some councils about effective delegation:

  • Explain problems accurately and clearly. Only you precisely know, that the problem includes. To you to solve, how much in detail to bring up to date the executor.

  • Recollect efficiency key rules: explain, what for you do it, and that wish to receive as a result. That you delegate a problem to someone, does not mean, that the executor should not know these details.

  • Designate time frameworks. When you delegate problems do not wish to worry about when there will be a report on work or as work quickly moves ahead. It allows you to be well informed about affairs without constant dialogue with executors.

  • Explain to executors why you appoint a problem it, that they should receive and what restrictions on time. Then they will accurately represent, that from them expect and in what term.

  • Let executors bear responsibility for problems delegated by it. If you accurately explain what to do to do, paint the project to the smallest details and forbid any initiative is not delegation. It is desirable to make so that the project became for executors the private affair with all responsibility and expectations, instead of is simple performance of another's work.

  • Praise! It is important to be benevolent, and all criticism should be constructive. Explain to them where errors are committed and in common search for ways of their correction (if you simply speak how to correct, you already not delegate — see the previous point).

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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Getting Things Done — Success without stress

David Allen's technique about that as to the modern person overloaded with work, affairs, obligations and an inexhaustible stream of the information to achieve success, to be in time with affairs and thus to cease to test stress. How be able readiness and confidence at performance of any business. How to plan, how to order the information, documents, files so that all was near at hand and on the place.

The practical technique which has proved the success on examples of hundreds and thousand of persons.

That important I have taken out from the book for myself:

  1. All information, all obligations, plans and records to store out of a head

  2. To develop system which to allow to transform the entering information, the thoughts, records, documents in accurate instructions for action or materials for use. In system should be four parts: Entering, Plans, Materials and Proceeding

  3. In entering to get all that you need to transform, of what to think. Even if it is thought, write down it on a paper and put in the entering

  4. The plan consist from: Projects (that that cannot be executed for one action), Actions (broken on contexts), expectation Lists (that you from whom expect), the List when can to be (the list of the postponed affairs)

  5. The entering should be ordered simply alphabetically in one level, it is not necessary to complicate them subfolders, grouping on themes and so forth - simply alphabetic list. It concerns both to paper, and electronic materials.

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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Criteria of the Purposes

  • the Purpose - as means to true of the purpose (to distinguish the purposes and means)

  • the Purpose should be concrete (I See, I Hear, I Feel). How you learn that have reached result, by what criteria? Where, when and with whom you want it is corresponds to a context?

  • Limitation on time, date of achievement of the purpose

  • Positivity of the formulation ("from here" it is replaced on "where", an essence - that you wish to reach instead of that wish to avoid)

  • It is dependent only on you, it is supervised by you (if depends on someone else - define the zone of responsibility)

  • Ecological compatibility - the purpose when has come true, should do a life more joyfully (to estimate in advance, that the purpose will not bring minuses... Purpose by-effects, negative consequences). The truth it is necessary? If there are obstacles in a way to achievement, think, as you can bypass them - or if it is impossible, formulate from an obstacle the new purpose.

  • Perspective: not deadlock, and a step forward - purpose achievement should give something for the following step

  • Profitable: have counted, investments will pay off - to count how much is spent, how much receive (money, time, resources)

  • Achievable: between borders achievable and impossible - if the result is great enough, break it into smaller, make the purposes clear enough and achievable

  • Attractive: inspires, it would be desirable to reach - the true purpose is worried joyfully ("I Want!"). To this purpose difficultly to put a word "is necessary".)

  • Necessary resources - what resources are necessary to you for purpose achievement? Whether you to them can have access? If is not present, formulate resource reception as the purpose

  • Research of obstacles - that to you prevents to have result right now? What obstacles can will meet on a way? What can you make for overcoming of these obstacles?

  • Fine tuning to the future - define the first concrete steps with which will begin process of achievement of your purposes.

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Sunday, April 8, 2007

Make money or have time?

It is complex to speak that you operate time if you do not have financial independence. Admit to itself, whether it is valid you are free in how to dispose of time and the life? Your security is defined for during which you can support habitual to you a way of life, not spending time and forces for earning money and not selling property belonging you. Thus, security is measured in time, instead of in money.

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What is time management?

Time-management (time management, the organization of time) — a science about methods of definition, that for the person important and on what first of all it is necessary to waste time management of time. Management of time includes tools and techniques of planning of time, is usual with the purpose of increase in efficiency of use of personal or corporate time. These techniques are presented in a number of books, materials of seminars and rates which generally speaking can offer the advice clashing among themselves.

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